It turns out the 20200814 squashfs from maas *now* has an /etc/fstab in it ...
So after overlayroot runs, we have an fstab like this:
root@(none):/# cat /etc/fstab
LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs / ext4 defaults 0 0
# This fstab is for overlayroot. The real one can be found at
# /media/root-ro/etc/fstab
# The original entry for '/' and other mounts have been updated to be placed
# under /media/root-ro.
# To permanently modify this (or any other file), you should change-root into
# a writable view of the underlying filesystem using:
# sudo overlayroot-chroot
#LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs /media/root-ro/ ext4 ro,defaults,noauto 0 0
/media/root-ro/ / overlay lowerdir=/media/root-ro/,upperdir=/media/root-rw/overlay/,workdir=/media/root-rw/overlay-workdir/_ 0 0
Overlayroot needs to handle with and without fstab entry so we'll need to fix that; However it's not clear why there is now an fstab entry in squashfs.
It turns out the 20200814 squashfs from maas *now* has an /etc/fstab in it ...
So after overlayroot runs, we have an fstab like this:
root@(none):/# cat /etc/fstab rootfs / ext4 defaults 0 0 root-ro/ etc/fstab cloudimg- rootfs /media/root-ro/ ext4 ro,defaults,noauto 0 0 /media/ root-ro/ ,upperdir= /media/ root-rw/ overlay/ ,workdir= /media/ root-rw/ overlay- workdir/ _ 0 0
# This fstab is for overlayroot. The real one can be found at
# /media/
# The original entry for '/' and other mounts have been updated to be placed
# under /media/root-ro.
# To permanently modify this (or any other file), you should change-root into
# a writable view of the underlying filesystem using:
# sudo overlayroot-chroot
/media/root-ro/ / overlay lowerdir=
Overlayroot needs to handle with and without fstab entry so we'll need to fix that; However it's not clear why there is now an fstab entry in squashfs.