Well... I tried to verify this using a -generic kernel, but it proved harder
than I thought. That is because the squashfs module is builtin in standard
ubuntu kernels.
So, to verify this i'd have to build my own kernel that had it as a module.
Below is what I've done to verify this at least doesn't regress anything.
And to also verify that the package has 'manual_add_modules squashfs'.
Well... I tried to verify this using a -generic kernel, but it proved harder
than I thought. That is because the squashfs module is builtin in standard
ubuntu kernels.
So, to verify this i'd have to build my own kernel that had it as a module.
Below is what I've done to verify this at least doesn't regress anything.
And to also verify that the package has 'manual_add_modules squashfs'.
$ lxc launch ubuntu-daily:zesty z1 archive. ubuntu. com/ubuntu zesty-proposed main universe" | apt/sources. list.d/ proposed. list recommends \ initramfs- rooturl linux-image-generic
$ echo "deb http://
lxc file push - z1/etc/
$ lxc exec z1 -- apt-get update -q
$ lxc exec z1 -- apt-get install \
--quiet --assume-yes --no-install-
$ lxc exec z1 -- sh -xc 'update-initramfs -u -k all' img-4.10. 0-26-generic mdadm.conf defines no arrays.
+ update-initramfs -u -k all
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.
W: mdadm: /etc/mdadm/
$ lxc exec z1 -- grep squash /usr/share/ initramfs- tools/hooks/ rooturl
manual_add_modules squashfs