At the moment, cloud-init waits 60 seconds and gives up and goes on.
This is probably lower than it could be. We picked the reasonably low number for the case where someone installed cloud-init on their server to avoid it blocking their boot.
At this point, after bug 838968 and bug 847782, if they're misconfigured they're waiting at least 2 minutes for boot.
So I think it makes sense to double cloud-init's timeout to be 120 seconds also.
At the moment, cloud-init waits 60 seconds and gives up and goes on.
This is probably lower than it could be. We picked the reasonably low number for the case where someone installed cloud-init on their server to avoid it blocking their boot.
At this point, after bug 838968 and bug 847782, if they're misconfigured they're waiting at least 2 minutes for boot.
So I think it makes sense to double cloud-init's timeout to be 120 seconds also.