Comment 0 for bug 2007871

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Derek Jewett (dj10023) wrote : Not rendering jinja variables - Debian/11/cloud

I run lxd profiles with cloud-init (#cloud-config) configurations, and I use jinja2 templating (## template: jinja) so I can use one profile that I can apply to many distros. It works great, except on some images I notice ignore the jinja2 template directives.

When I launch a new debian/11/cloud image, I noticed it does not adhere to the jinja2 template.

  user.user-data: |
    ## template: jinja
{% if distro == 'centos' or 'rocky' -%}
    ~Do some stuff.....
{%- endif %}
{% if distro == 'debian' or 'ubuntu' -%}
    ~Do some stuff.....
{%- endif %}

The image has cloud-init 20.4.1, and has the jinja2 engine installed. So I don’t understand why it would not adhere to the jinja directives in the profile like all other distros do.

I checked, the user-data file in /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/ is exactly as it is in the profile, so that seems to pass correctly.

If I issue: cloud-init query -f {{distro}} - I get the correct metadata variable of “debian”.

If I issue: cloud-init devel render /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data -d

it renders the entire user-data config, not just the jinja template variable like I normally see. It just seems to ignore the variable.

LXD is cloud provider. Containers are hosted on-prem. Log collection attached.
Thank you