This is the untouched container image from docker. I ran docker pull ubuntu:focal:
sky@lp1:~$ sudo docker pull ubuntu:focal [sudo] password for sky: focal: Pulling from library/ubuntu Digest: sha256:a15789d24a386e7487a407274b80095c329f89b1f830e8ac6a9323aa61803964 Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:focal
sky@lp1:~$ sudo docker image inspect ubuntu:focal [ { "Id": "sha256:8e428cff54c8a8d9759e0b0e13d9224ffe7617abb53a73e01550e32c15827e17", "RepoTags": [ "ubuntu:20.04", "ubuntu:focal", "ubuntu:latest" ], "RepoDigests": [ "ubuntu@sha256:a15789d24a386e7487a407274b80095c329f89b1f830e8ac6a9323aa61803964" ], <trim>
I'll attach a full log for reference. I ran the following to generate the log:
sudo docker run -it ubuntu:focal /bin/bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3"
I just tried this using a debian image and I'm having the same issue, so it may be a problem with my docker version or my host system.
This is the untouched container image from docker. I ran docker pull ubuntu:focal:
sky@lp1:~$ sudo docker pull ubuntu:focal a15789d24a386e7 487a407274b8009 5c329f89b1f830e 8ac6a9323aa6180 3964 io/library/ ubuntu: focal
[sudo] password for sky:
focal: Pulling from library/ubuntu
Digest: sha256:
Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:focal
sky@lp1:~$ sudo docker image inspect ubuntu:focal 8e428cff54c8a8d 9759e0b0e13d922 4ffe7617abb53a7 3e01550e32c1582 7e17",
"ubuntu: 20.04",
"ubuntu: focal",
"ubuntu: latest"
"RepoDigests" : [
"ubuntu@ sha256: a15789d24a386e7 487a407274b8009 5c329f89b1f830e 8ac6a9323aa6180 3964"
"Id": "sha256:
"RepoTags": [
I'll attach a full log for reference. I ran the following to generate the log:
sudo docker run -it ubuntu:focal /bin/bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3"
I just tried this using a debian image and I'm having the same issue, so it may be a problem with my docker version or my host system.