for k, v in metadata.items():
____if any(k.startswith(reserved_name_space)
________for reserved_name_space in reserved_name_spaces):
____new_metadata[k] = v
LOG.debug("The metadata set [%s] was filtered using the reserved name " "spaces [%s], and the result is [%s].", metadata, reserved_name_spaces, new_metadata)
The os_glance properties are not filtered because they are under "properties" dict property. The bug will have to be reopened and reworked.
Validation failed. The fix did not work. See example below:
[{'container_ format' : 'bare', 'disk_format': 'raw', 'name': 'image- from-vol- from-image' , 'visibility': 'private', 'protected': False, 'properties': {'owner_ specified. openstack. object' : 'images/cirros2', 'os_glance_ importing_ to_stores' : '', 'signature_ verified' : 'False', 'os_glance_ failed_ import' : '', 'architecture': 'x86_64', 'owner_ specified. openstack. sha256' : '', 'owner_ specified. openstack. md5': ''}}]
was filtered using the reserved name spaces [['os_glance', 'img_signature']], and the result is
[{'container_ format' : 'bare', 'disk_format': 'raw', 'name': 'image- from-vol- from-image' , 'visibility': 'private', 'protected': False, 'properties': {'owner_ specified. openstack. object' : 'images/cirros2', 'os_glance_ importing_ to_stores' : '', 'signature_ verified' : 'False', 'os_glance_ failed_ import' : '', 'architecture': 'x86_64', 'owner_ specified. openstack. sha256' : '', 'owner_ specified. openstack. md5': ''}}]
The algorithm is:
for k, v in metadata.items(): h(reserved_ name_space) name_spaces) :
____if any(k.startswit
________for reserved_name_space in reserved_
____new_metadata[k] = v
LOG.debug("The metadata set [%s] was filtered using the reserved name "
"spaces [%s], and the result is [%s].", metadata,
reserved_ name_spaces, new_metadata)
The os_glance properties are not filtered because they are under "properties" dict property. The bug will have to be reopened and reworked.