It seems libvirt does have code to sometimes set -global ICH9-LPC.disable_s3=1, but it's not 100% clear to me from a quick read why that might not be getting done here. Perhaps Seyeong you could check into that?
The code to do that seems quite a bit older than focal.
It seems libvirt does have code to sometimes set -global ICH9-LPC. disable_ s3=1, but it's not 100% clear to me from a quick read why that might not be getting done here. Perhaps Seyeong you could check into that?
The code to do that seems quite a bit older than focal.
Example: /github. com/libvirt/ libvirt/ commit/ d6d31e00ebc8c72 b88f0248f1bfde7 e2ff7607af# diff-b40c0e564d 59de99367e1b623 fb4e4cf83abe7e7 4f4f4e7e54358d4 87b552b9eR5074