This handles the case where the live migration monitoring thread may
race and call jobStats() after the migration has completed resulting in
the following error:
libvirt.libvirtError: internal error: migration was active, but no
RAM info was set
Closes-Bug: #1982284
Change-Id: I77fdfa9cffbd44b2889f49f266b2582bcc6a4267
(cherry picked from commit 9fea934c71d3c2fa7fdd80c67d94e18466c5cf9a)
(cherry picked from commit 00396fa9396324780c09161ed57a86b7e458c26f)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /nova/+ /860733 /opendev. org/openstack/ nova/commit/ 4316234e63b76e4 f9877ec6e924b5c 54ea761bbb
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/yoga
commit 4316234e63b76e4 f9877ec6e924b5c 54ea761bbb
Author: Brett Milford <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 4 16:52:33 2022 +1000
Handle "no RAM info was set" migration case
This handles the case where the live migration monitoring thread may
race and call jobStats() after the migration has completed resulting in
the following error:
RAM info was set
Closes-Bug: #1982284 b2889f49f266b25 82bcc6a4267 a7fdd80c67d94e1 8466c5cf9a) 80c09161ed57a86 b7e458c26f)
Change-Id: I77fdfa9cffbd44
(cherry picked from commit 9fea934c71d3c2f
(cherry picked from commit 00396fa93963247