Comment 2 for bug 1915829

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package openvswitch - 2.15.0-0ubuntu2

openvswitch (2.15.0-0ubuntu2) hirsute; urgency=medium

  * Fix recording of FQDN/hostname on startup (LP: #1915829):
    - d/p/ovs-dev-ovs-ctl-Allow-recording-hostname-separately.patch: Cherry
      pick of committed upstream fix to support skip of hostname
      configuration on ovs-vswitchd/ovsdb-server startup.
    - d/openvswitch-switch.ovs-record-hostname.service: Record hostname in
      Open vSwitch after using new systemd unit.
    - d/openvswitch-switch.ovs-vswitchd.service: Pass `--no-record-hostname`
      option to `ovs-ctl` to delegate recording of hostname to the separate
    - d/openvswitch-switch.ovsdb-server.service: Pass `--no-record-hostname`
      option to `ovs-ctl` to delegate recording of hostname to the separate
    - d/openvswitch-switch.service: Add `Also` reference to
      ovs-record-hostname.service so that the service is enabled on install.
    - d/rules: Add `ovs-record-hostname.service` to package build.

 -- Frode Nordahl <email address hidden> Tue, 16 Feb 2021 18:42:00 +0100