Both cibadmin-based and crm_mon-based host status queryings were
affected, allowing partitioned cluster to tell Masakari to
evacuate hosts from the other partition (which nota bene include
all remotes if applicable).
Closes-Bug: #1878548
Change-Id: I0b1ca8a011ee4da162a2c3a986c1dab9a3d38190
(cherry picked from commit c2d9a4f9cb050faf5b863acb0b5225195a8c6fe8)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /masakari- monitors/ +/808970 /opendev. org/openstack/ masakari- monitors/ commit/ c599293b39d2983 5811ff3e3c202ad e3fe2c128e
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/ussuri
commit c599293b39d2983 5811ff3e3c202ad e3fe2c128e
Author: Radosław Piliszek <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 13 19:27:52 2021 +0000
Fix hostmonitor to respect quorum
Both cibadmin-based and crm_mon-based host status queryings were
affected, allowing partitioned cluster to tell Masakari to
evacuate hosts from the other partition (which nota bene include
all remotes if applicable).
Closes-Bug: #1878548 a162a2c3a986c1d ab9a3d38190 f5b863acb0b5225 195a8c6fe8)
Change-Id: I0b1ca8a011ee4d
(cherry picked from commit c2d9a4f9cb050fa