@Alex - we will need a proper SRU Template and I could only talk about the patch, but not to much about the testing. I'd appreaciate if you could add an SRU template (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template) to the bug description.
I have rebased and finalized the MP for this: /code.launchpad .net/~paelzer/ ubuntu/ +source/ libvirt/ +git/libvirt/ +merge/ 395778
This is now open for review by the Team.
Furthermore I have opened a new PPA to have up-to-date test builds. /launchpad. net/~ci- train-ppa- service/ +archive/ ubuntu/ 4591/+packages
new PPA:
@Alex - we will need a proper SRU Template and I could only talk about the patch, but not to much about the testing. I'd appreaciate if you could add an SRU template (https:/ /wiki.ubuntu. com/StableRelea seUpdates# SRU_Bug_ Template) to the bug description.