This patch addresses the scenario where an
incremental backup can be created having a
parent backup that was taken in a different
project. This scenario ultimately leads to
a silent error when creating/deleting the
incremental backup and quotas going out of
The proposed fix is to narrow the backup search
down to the same project. To achieve this, a
method's signature had to be updated to achieve
the desired optimized behavior of passing the
volume's project_id parameter.
Closes-bug: #1869746
Closes-bug: #1873518
Change-Id: Icb621ff5966133f59d9d43ca2dd9f8e1919b1149
(cherry picked from commit 8ebeafcbbafb700052f3abfc1f7ba004269a92e8)
(cherry picked from commit 5358c996b40bbb0fd749ec182ff3ef67f5d71c16)
(cherry picked from commit f3cdc27563766b2f49a1d88500f32c8d86838c96)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/739607 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ cinder/ commit/ ?id=5983eee1c35 ababa1b6e2bad34 7cf98bd79b226f
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/stein
commit 5983eee1c35abab a1b6e2bad347cf9 8bd79b226f
Author: Rodrigo Barbieri <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jul 1 18:20:15 2020 -0300
Fix cross-project incremental backups
This patch addresses the scenario where an
incremental backup can be created having a
parent backup that was taken in a different
project. This scenario ultimately leads to
a silent error when creating/deleting the
incremental backup and quotas going out of
The proposed fix is to narrow the backup search
down to the same project. To achieve this, a
method's signature had to be updated to achieve
the desired optimized behavior of passing the
volume's project_id parameter.
Closes-bug: #1869746
Closes-bug: #1873518
Change-Id: Icb621ff5966133 f59d9d43ca2dd9f 8e1919b1149 052f3abfc1f7ba0 04269a92e8) fd749ec182ff3ef 67f5d71c16) f49a1d88500f32c 8d86838c96)
(cherry picked from commit 8ebeafcbbafb700
(cherry picked from commit 5358c996b40bbb0
(cherry picked from commit f3cdc27563766b2