The mac ageing configuration on linux bridges is now
conditional and caller controlled. By default mac ageing
is unspecified and will use the kernel's default of 300
seconds. For ovs with hybrid plug we override this to
0 to prevent packet loss issue during some migration
edgecases. This change reverts disabling mac ageing
for the linux bridge plugin which was accidentally
introduced during the brctl removal via inheriting the
ovs plugin's default behavior when the bridge create
code became shared.
Backport Changes:
In the train cycle we removed the os_vif.internal.command
module in Id8b71172fb06b435cf169a7e55c11233f22fa65b to eliminate
one layer of indirection. As a result we need to addtionally
update the add method in os_vif/internal/command/ip/
which was not required in the train patch.
Change-Id: I95612352de6cdb47de98eb80c208dd1a74499d41
Closes-bug: #1837252
(cherry picked from commit 655c83d706f5de8a8cf23430782e065219297aef)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/678098 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ os-vif/ commit/ ?id=ec9d5430300 c908ea9a1c64151 eee7af522a44e7
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/stein
commit ec9d5430300c908 ea9a1c64151eee7 af522a44e7
Author: Sean Mooney <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 25 22:16:42 2019 +0000
only disable mac ageing for ovs hybrid plug
The mac ageing configuration on linux bridges is now
conditional and caller controlled. By default mac ageing
is unspecified and will use the kernel's default of 300
seconds. For ovs with hybrid plug we override this to
0 to prevent packet loss issue during some migration
edgecases. This change reverts disabling mac ageing
for the linux bridge plugin which was accidentally
introduced during the brctl removal via inheriting the
ovs plugin's default behavior when the bridge create
code became shared.
Backport Changes: internal. command 35cf169a7e55c11 233f22fa65b to eliminate internal/ command/ ip/__init_
In the train cycle we removed the os_vif.
module in Id8b71172fb06b4
one layer of indirection. As a result we need to addtionally
update the add method in os_vif/
which was not required in the train patch.
Change-Id: I95612352de6cdb 47de98eb80c208d d1a74499d41 a8cf23430782e06 5219297aef)
Closes-bug: #1837252
(cherry picked from commit 655c83d706f5de8