When we fixed bug 1823200 in Change-ID
Iab54c515fe7be252df52b1a0503a251779805759 we made the ScaleIO connector
incompatible with the old connection properties dictionary as it only
supported the new 'config_group' and 'failed_over' parameters to get the
This is a problem in any system that is upgraded and has attachments to
the array, because the connection properties of those volumes will not
contain the new fields and detaching them will result in error
"KeyError: 'config_group'".
This patch adds compatibility code to support the old connection
properties format so we can detach those volumes.
Related-Bug: #1823200
Change-Id: I6f01a178616b74ed9a86876ca46e7e46eb360518
(cherry picked from commit 54504830828757e9d72e9440dde9cff33684a74d)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/746572 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ os-brick/ commit/ ?id=31589a624fe 8d2ebb56ccbd9c9 4a8dd559a7da89
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/ussuri
commit 31589a624fe8d2e bb56ccbd9c94a8d d559a7da89
Author: Gorka Eguileor <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Aug 13 13:13:02 2020 +0200
ScaleIO: Connection info backward compatibility
When we fixed bug 1823200 in Change-ID 7be252df52b1a05 03a251779805759 we made the ScaleIO connector
incompatible with the old connection properties dictionary as it only
supported the new 'config_group' and 'failed_over' parameters to get the
This is a problem in any system that is upgraded and has attachments to
the array, because the connection properties of those volumes will not
contain the new fields and detaching them will result in error
"KeyError: 'config_group'".
This patch adds compatibility code to support the old connection
properties format so we can detach those volumes.
Related-Bug: #1823200 ed9a86876ca46e7 e46eb360518 9d72e9440dde9cf f33684a74d)
Change-Id: I6f01a178616b74
(cherry picked from commit 54504830828757e