Comment 3 for bug 1819453

Revision history for this message
Corey Bryant (corey.bryant) wrote :

I'm not able to recreate this on stein (that is, assuming I understand the problem correctly).

$ openstack domain list
| ID | Name | Enabled | Description |
| 36bc721906cc45378233616f4bf2eb11 | default | True | Created by Juju |
| 58e8c54b7ae84efcb7221fd20009bb5a | service_domain | True | Created by Juju |
| 66d858a41571421eb2a745abe5a4d884 | heat | True | Stack projects and users |
| 7cae5f364e914965bffdf76cf08f68aa | admin_domain | True | Created by Juju |
$ openstack user list --domain admin_domain
| ID | Name |
| 4f224c0a4f634a51a238331bcaf2e0f7 | alt_demo |
| 7d626e7ff5a74cccb9735bfcab792371 | admin |
| e6d1b35119fc44389f639ee014be4cbc | demo |
$ openstack user list --domain does_not_exist
No domain with a name or ID of 'does_not_exist' exists.