Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 9073940a82d3adf6581643941c059bf1d8bb8615 Author: Zhou Zhihong <email address hidden> Date: Thu Jul 21 03:59:28 2016 -0700
The lb namespace can not be deleted
When delete the last listener, the lb instance was undeployed. But the lb namespace was not deleted at this time. After that, when delete the loadbalancer, the lb namespace will not be deleted for the exists() check always return False.
Closes-Bug: #1495430 Change-Id: Ic3cb25a6bd2bf86f8c30ef62ae323c3bab0c82fc
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/343963 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ neutron- lbaas/commit/ ?id=9073940a82d 3adf6581643941c 059bf1d8bb8615
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 9073940a82d3adf 6581643941c059b f1d8bb8615
Author: Zhou Zhihong <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Jul 21 03:59:28 2016 -0700
The lb namespace can not be deleted
When delete the last listener, the lb instance was undeployed.
But the lb namespace was not deleted at this time. After that,
when delete the loadbalancer, the lb namespace will not be
deleted for the exists() check always return False.
Closes-Bug: #1495430 6f8c30ef62ae323 c3bab0c82fc
Change-Id: Ic3cb25a6bd2bf8