commit 0acf7cc35cd2b123abde59e2a7a2fcd0a9a79ef8
Author: Alexander Tivelkov <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 27 17:53:46 2015 +0300
Expose 'is_base' schema property attribute
Changeset I49255255 has added an 'is_base' attribute for Image Schema
properties, thus allowing to differentiate between base and custom image
properties, but the client hasn't make any use of it.
This patch adds appropriate attribute to SchemaProperty class and a
helper method which allows to validate if the given property is base or
The added helper method (is_base_property) should not be confused with
the existing is_core_property: the latter just checks if the property is
known to the schema, regardless of its being base or not.
Change-Id: I7c397196dad9ae5494ed2f8f3aacef3fc1ce70d8
Partial-Bug: #1323660
(cherry picked from commit 90407d9e473014c24eeab294192f9d3208f58ea7)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/206995 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ python- glanceclient/ commit/ ?id=0acf7cc35cd 2b123abde59e2a7 a2fcd0a9a79ef8
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/kilo
commit 0acf7cc35cd2b12 3abde59e2a7a2fc d0a9a79ef8
Author: Alexander Tivelkov <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 27 17:53:46 2015 +0300
Expose 'is_base' schema property attribute
Changeset I49255255 has added an 'is_base' attribute for Image Schema
properties, thus allowing to differentiate between base and custom image
properties, but the client hasn't make any use of it.
This patch adds appropriate attribute to SchemaProperty class and a
helper method which allows to validate if the given property is base or
The added helper method (is_base_property) should not be confused with
the existing is_core_property: the latter just checks if the property is
known to the schema, regardless of its being base or not.
Change-Id: I7c397196dad9ae 5494ed2f8f3aace f3fc1ce70d8 24eeab294192f9d 3208f58ea7)
Partial-Bug: #1323660
(cherry picked from commit 90407d9e473014c