This bug was fixed in the package glance - 2:21.1.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0 ---------------
glance (2:21.1.0-0ubuntu1~cloud0) focal-victoria; urgency=medium . [ Corey Bryant ] * d/gbp.conf: Create stable/victoria branch. . [ Chris MacNaughton ] * d/watch: Add trailing slash. * New stable point release for OpenStack Victoria (LP: #1948913).
This bug was fixed in the package glance - 2:21.1. 0-0ubuntu1~ cloud0
glance (2:21.1. 0-0ubuntu1~ cloud0) focal-victoria; urgency=medium
[ Corey Bryant ]
* d/gbp.conf: Create stable/victoria branch.
[ Chris MacNaughton ]
* d/watch: Add trailing slash.
* New stable point release for OpenStack Victoria (LP: #1948913).