Remove dhcp_extra_opt value after first newline character
Passing newline to the dnsmasq may cause security issues, especially
that in case of Neutron that dhcp options' values are controlled by
cloud users.
This patch removes everything what is after first newline character
in the dhcp_extra_opt's values before passing them to dnsmasq.
Closes-Bug: #1939733
Change-Id: Ifeaf258f0b5ea86f25620ac4116d618980a7272e
(cherry picked from commit df891f0593d234e01f27d7c0376d9702e178ecfb)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /neutron/ +/806749 /opendev. org/openstack/ neutron/ commit/ a08e21c15b766a1 e3b2b64ae15f955 65d9ea6688
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/victoria
commit a08e21c15b766a1 e3b2b64ae15f955 65d9ea6688
Author: Slawek Kaplonski <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Aug 23 13:01:37 2021 +0200
Remove dhcp_extra_opt value after first newline character
Passing newline to the dnsmasq may cause security issues, especially
that in case of Neutron that dhcp options' values are controlled by
cloud users.
This patch removes everything what is after first newline character
in the dhcp_extra_opt's values before passing them to dnsmasq.
Closes-Bug: #1939733 6f25620ac4116d6 18980a7272e 01f27d7c0376d97 02e178ecfb)
Change-Id: Ifeaf258f0b5ea8
(cherry picked from commit df891f0593d234e