This bug was fixed in the package cinder - 2:13.0.9-0ubuntu1~cloud1.1
cinder (2:13.0.9-0ubuntu1~cloud1.1) bionic-rocky; urgency=medium
* SECURITY UPDATE: Dell EMC ScaleIO/VxFlex OS Backend Credentials Exposure
(LP: #1823200)
- debian/patches/CVE-2020-10755.patch: Remove VxFlex OS credentials
from connection_properties. Passwords are now stored in separate file
and are retrieved during each attach/detach operation.
- d/control: Align (Build-)Depends with min version of python3-os-brick
required to fix credential exposure.
- CVE-2020-10755
* d/control: Add python3-sqlalchemy-utils Build-Depends to enable successful
test execution.
This bug was fixed in the package cinder - 2:13.0. 9-0ubuntu1~ cloud1. 1
cinder (2:13.0. 9-0ubuntu1~ cloud1. 1) bionic-rocky; urgency=medium patches/ CVE-2020- 10755.patch: Remove VxFlex OS credentials properties. Passwords are now stored in separate file sqlalchemy- utils Build-Depends to enable successful
* SECURITY UPDATE: Dell EMC ScaleIO/VxFlex OS Backend Credentials Exposure
(LP: #1823200)
- debian/
from connection_
and are retrieved during each attach/detach operation.
- d/control: Align (Build-)Depends with min version of python3-os-brick
required to fix credential exposure.
- CVE-2020-10755
* d/control: Add python3-
test execution.