cinder-volume: Stop masking IOError different than ENOSPC
When glanceclient raises an IOError with a different errno than ENOSPC,
cinder-volume silently masked it and continued its volume creation
process. The result was volumes with invalid content being successfuly
With the patch, an ImageDownloadFailed exception is raised in this case,
which makes the volume creation process fail and gives enough
information to operators for troubleshooting.
Change-Id: Ic011fe30b4840e5098db1a594ea276ec98768bff
Closes-Bug: #1799221
(cherry picked from commit 864c074ff15db601c896dadc2842ae703861c0dd)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/629091 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ cinder/ commit/ ?id=bf89f76fb1b 7a52299c1746710 6018eae01608e8
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/rocky
commit bf89f76fb1b7a52 299c17467106018 eae01608e8
Author: Francois Deppierraz <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Oct 22 15:33:25 2018 +0200
cinder-volume: Stop masking IOError different than ENOSPC
When glanceclient raises an IOError with a different errno than ENOSPC,
cinder-volume silently masked it and continued its volume creation
process. The result was volumes with invalid content being successfuly
With the patch, an ImageDownloadFailed exception is raised in this case,
which makes the volume creation process fail and gives enough
information to operators for troubleshooting.
Change-Id: Ic011fe30b4840e 5098db1a594ea27 6ec98768bff 1c896dadc2842ae 703861c0dd)
Closes-Bug: #1799221
(cherry picked from commit 864c074ff15db60