test-requirements.txt requires ddt>=1.2.1 ; however, 17.2.0 includes a test backport (cinder/tests/unit/volume/flows/test_create_volume_flow.py) that uses a module name that doesn't exist in DDT until 1.4.0 (https://github.com/datadriventests/ddt/commit/6bf51b5d7887049eda580932643a5408ca0f5e3f)
test-requiremen ts.txt requires ddt>=1.2.1 ; however, 17.2.0 includes a test backport (cinder/ tests/unit/ volume/ flows/test_ create_ volume_ flow.py) that uses a module name that doesn't exist in DDT until 1.4.0 (https:/ /github. com/datadrivent ests/ddt/ commit/ 6bf51b5d7887049 eda580932643a54 08ca0f5e3f)