As of the of the queens release cinder supports this config
option which, if enabled, stops cinder from query all
volumes in a pool every time it does a delete in order to
get accurate pool usage stats. The problem is that this
causes tons of non-fatal race conditions and slows down deletes
to the point where the rpc thread pool fills up blocking
further requests. Our charms do not configure pool by default
and we are not aware of anyone doing this in the field so
this patch enables this option by default.
Change-Id: I5377e2886a6e206d30bd7dc38a7e43a085aa524c
Closes-Bug: 1789828
(cherry picked from commit b04b5f3b5f00f67eef2b76fbb5b64aba2b80719d)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/602676 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-cinder- ceph/commit/ ?id=3fb70295afa dec26dc2d0fdae8 22bc0184b87e87
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/18.08
commit 3fb70295afadec2 6dc2d0fdae822bc 0184b87e87
Author: Edward Hope-Morley <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Sep 5 14:31:15 2018 +0100
Add support for rbd_exclusive_ cinder_ pool
As of the of the queens release cinder supports this config
option which, if enabled, stops cinder from query all
volumes in a pool every time it does a delete in order to
get accurate pool usage stats. The problem is that this
causes tons of non-fatal race conditions and slows down deletes
to the point where the rpc thread pool fills up blocking
further requests. Our charms do not configure pool by default
and we are not aware of anyone doing this in the field so
this patch enables this option by default.
Change-Id: I5377e2886a6e20 6d30bd7dc38a7e4 3a085aa524c eef2b76fbb5b64a ba2b80719d)
Closes-Bug: 1789828
(cherry picked from commit b04b5f3b5f00f67