Comment 0 for bug 1789828

Revision history for this message
Hua Zhang (zhhuabj) wrote : racy between _get_usage_info and delete_volume

When using rbd_exclusive_cinder_pool default value False, there is a racy between _get_usage_info and delete_volume.

2018-08-29 06:57:41.604 1586622 DEBUG cinder.volume.drivers.rbd [req-f885ea4a-3e98-4aad-bb3f-102240aebca1 10cbcda6a7854fa79cfc37dc1945cb6d 5d5d0f0ab738467f8ca813dd41432afa - a51502c6e125414fbba0cc95decd86c5 a51502c6e125414fbba0cc95decd86c5] deleting rbd volume volume-2d5951be-25bf-4313-a706-593664f6cd2e delete_volume /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/volume/drivers/
2018-08-29 06:57:41.610 1586622 ERROR cinder.volume.drivers.rbd [req-f885ea4a-3e98-4aad-bb3f-102240aebca1 10cbcda6a7854fa79cfc37dc1945cb6d 5d5d0f0ab738467f8ca813dd41432afa - a51502c6e125414fbba0cc95decd86c5 a51502c6e125414fbba0cc95decd86c5] error opening rbd image volume-005a04e7-a113-4ebb-bd77-1d9d3221d8f2: ImageNotFound: [errno 2] error opening image volume-005a04e7-a113-4ebb-bd77-1d9d3221d8f2 at snapshot None
2018-08-29 06:57:41.610 1586622 ERROR cinder.volume.drivers.rbd Traceback (most recent call last):
2018-08-29 06:57:41.610 1586622 ERROR cinder.volume.drivers.rbd File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/volume/drivers/", line 147, in __init__
2018-08-29 06:57:41.610 1586622 ERROR cinder.volume.drivers.rbd read_only=read_only)
2018-08-29 06:57:41.610 1586622 ERROR cinder.volume.drivers.rbd File "rbd.pyx", line 1392, in rbd.Image.__init__ (/build/ceph-B2ToPL/ceph-12.2.4/obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/src/pybind/rbd/pyrex/rbd.c:13545)
2018-08-29 06:57:41.610 1586622 ERROR cinder.volume.drivers.rbd ImageNotFound: [errno 2] error opening image volume-005a04e7-a113-4ebb-bd77-1d9d3221d8f2 at snapshot None
2018-08-29 06:57:41.610 1586622 ERROR cinder.volume.drivers.rbd
2018-08-29 06:57:41.612 1586622 DEBUG cinder.volume.drivers.rbd [req-f885ea4a-3e98-4aad-bb3f-102240aebca1 10cbcda6a7854fa79cfc37dc1945cb6d 5d5d0f0ab738467f8ca813dd41432afa - a51502c6e125414fbba0cc95decd86c5 a51502c6e125414fbba0cc95decd86c5] Image volume-005a04e7-a113-4ebb-bd77-1d9d3221d8f2 is not found. _get_usage_info /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cinder/volume/drivers/

Eg: when thread 1 is deleting volume A, then thread 2 that deleted volume B is trying to update the usage and when it queried the database volume A was still "available" but then when it queries Ceph about that volume it's no longer there, so basically the logic to update the usage statistics is racy.

_get_usage_info is run in a native thread via RBDVolumeProxy, native thread uses blocking mode, it means once _get_usage_info throws an exception ImageNotFound, the green thread which spawns this native thread won't be able to yield in time so that all other green threads will be blocked as well, at this time, any image operation like delete/query/modify/create will become impossible, then you will see all kinds of strange questions.