commit 58a140487c8127da727fa7e4fb56892f8c162536
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jun 6 10:32:37 2018 -0400
Block swap volume on volumes with >1 rw attachment
If we're swapping from a multiattach volume that has more than one
read/write attachment, another server on the secondary attachment could
be writing to the volume which is not getting copied into the volume to
which we're swapping, so we could have data loss during the swap.
This change does volume read/write attachment counting for the volume
we're swapping from and if there is more than one read/write attachment
on the volume, the swap volume operation fails with a 400 BadRequest
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having change
I5fc4d0ba3bb1c49dfaba2b2eed056441509cb9da in Queens. Also, the
uuidsentinel has to be imported in the test_volumes module because
change I9acc2e4d6c57ea0f45ba161116993d9f1a0e1e9f is not in Queens.
Closes-Bug: #1775418
Change-Id: Icd7fcb87a09c35a13e4e14235feb30a289d22778
(cherry picked from commit 5a1d159d142997bb4288d4bf86d4e144334905cd)
(cherry picked from commit 9b21d1067a071ab17758068dfca5cd2ebd29d868)
(cherry picked from commit c19d602f9be536ee8412bac0f0951a995424f25e)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/662340 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ nova/commit/ ?id=58a140487c8 127da727fa7e4fb 56892f8c162536
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/queens
commit 58a140487c8127d a727fa7e4fb5689 2f8c162536
Author: Matt Riedemann <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jun 6 10:32:37 2018 -0400
Block swap volume on volumes with >1 rw attachment
If we're swapping from a multiattach volume that has more than one
read/write attachment, another server on the secondary attachment could
be writing to the volume which is not getting copied into the volume to
which we're swapping, so we could have data loss during the swap.
This change does volume read/write attachment counting for the volume
we're swapping from and if there is more than one read/write attachment
on the volume, the swap volume operation fails with a 400 BadRequest
api- ref/source/ os-volume- attachments. inc
NOTE(mriedem): The conflict is due to not having change b1c49dfaba2b2ee d056441509cb9da in Queens. Also, the 0f45ba161116993 d9f1a0e1e9f is not in Queens.
uuidsentinel has to be imported in the test_volumes module because
change I9acc2e4d6c57ea
Depends-On: https:/ /review. openstack. org/573025/ a13e4e14235feb3 0a289d22778 b4288d4bf86d4e1 44334905cd) 17758068dfca5cd 2ebd29d868) e8412bac0f0951a 995424f25e)
Closes-Bug: #1775418
Change-Id: Icd7fcb87a09c35
(cherry picked from commit 5a1d159d142997b
(cherry picked from commit 9b21d1067a071ab
(cherry picked from commit c19d602f9be536e