Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 57330a12a851a72b781fb48ad23bfda894d051b8 Author: lihaijing <email address hidden> Date: Mon Jun 26 15:18:09 2017 +0800
Api-ref: add documentation for v2/v3 backup 'os-reset_status' action
There is no document about v2/v3 backup 'os-reset_status' action. This action explicitly updates the backup state. So add the missing content.
Change-Id: Ie0dd2b4e184d09e957c4ba296544f5019d05fda3 Partial-Bug: #1607539
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/477429 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ cinder/ commit/ ?id=57330a12a85 1a72b781fb48ad2 3bfda894d051b8
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 57330a12a851a72 b781fb48ad23bfd a894d051b8
Author: lihaijing <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jun 26 15:18:09 2017 +0800
Api-ref: add documentation for v2/v3 backup 'os-reset_status' action
There is no document about v2/v3 backup 'os-reset_status' action. This
action explicitly updates the backup state. So add the missing content.
Change-Id: Ie0dd2b4e184d09 e957c4ba296544f 5019d05fda3
Partial-Bug: #1607539