The Glance patch does not support redirecting /v1 to /v1/ using X-Forwarded-Proto (and probably /v2).
The path of a /v1 request is:
1) paste strips off the initial /v1 and redirects to the correct pipeline
2) The empty redirect [1] is hit which creates a redirect to location='/v1/'
3) webob turns the relative /v1/ into an absolute url [2] using environ['wsgi.url_scheme']. This is still set to 'http' because it has never actually entered the resource controller and the glance Request object that evaluates HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO.
The best solution i can see for this is to use the oslo_middleware.http_proxy_to_wsgi [3] middleware. This will handle the X-Forwarded-Proto handling in middleware before it ever reaches routes or glance's request handling and with greater support for forwarding indication including rfc7239 [4].
The Glance patch does not support redirecting /v1 to /v1/ using X-Forwarded-Proto (and probably /v2).
The path of a /v1 request is:
1) paste strips off the initial /v1 and redirects to the correct pipeline 'wsgi.url_ scheme' ]. This is still set to 'http' because it has never actually entered the resource controller and the glance Request object that evaluates HTTP_X_ FORWARDED_ PROTO.
2) The empty redirect [1] is hit which creates a redirect to location='/v1/'
3) webob turns the relative /v1/ into an absolute url [2] using environ[
The best solution i can see for this is to use the oslo_middleware .http_proxy_ to_wsgi [3] middleware. This will handle the X-Forwarded-Proto handling in middleware before it ever reaches routes or glance's request handling and with greater support for forwarding indication including rfc7239 [4].
[1] https:/ /github. com/openstack/ glance/ blob/790b01573a ce970cd55e75cb7 812922629fbd2a7 /glance/ common/ L695 /github. com/Pylons/ webob/blob/ 9c1a5af749b341d 0bc78ab2e584a75 1c8866624b/ webob/response. py#L1043- L1055 /github. com/openstack/ oslo.middleware /blob/master/ oslo_middleware /http_proxy_ to_wsgi. py /tools. html/rfc7239
[2] https:/
[3] https:/
[4] https:/