Comment 5 for bug 1383771

Revision history for this message
NidhiMittalHada (nidhimittal19) wrote :

HI All,

I tested this bug in
stack@controller:~/devstack$ openstack --version
openstack 1.2.0

when a volume is being migrated ..
stack@controller:~/devstack$ cinder show 3ee38bf8-9982-4181-a78e-17d522ffd335

| Property | Value |
| attachments | [] |
| availability_zone | nova |
| bootable | false |
| created_at | 2015-05-11T15:26:47.000000 |
| display_description | First Test volume |
| display_name | volume1 |
| encrypted | False |
| id | 3ee38bf8-9982-4181-a78e-17d522ffd335 |
| metadata | {} |
| multiattach | false |
| os-vol-host-attr:host | controller@lvmdriver-1#GOLD_BKEND |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | migrating |>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None |
| os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id | eeeb98b1ea5b4caca29b515696f53f62 |
| os-volume-replication:driver_data | None |
| os-volume-replication:extended_status | None |
| size | 1 |
| snapshot_id | None |
| source_volid | None |
| status | available |
| volume_type | None |

stack@controller:~/devstack$ cinder delete 3ee38bf8-9982-4181-a78e-17d522ffd335

Delete for volume 3ee38bf8-9982-4181-a78e-17d522ffd335 failed: Invalid volume: Volume cannot be deleted while migrating (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-47552db4-4acc-41b0-96df-79f87a8436c9)
ERROR: Unable to delete any of the specified volumes.

Which is a clear indication that volume can not be deleted as its in migrating state.

Hence this bug can be closed.