Checkbox uses job requirements in order to link resources to results. For example, the following requirement should like a result to all the network devices found on the system:
device.category == 'NETWORK'
So, if there are two network devices, such as an ethernet and a wireless controller, then these should be linked to the result. However, the checkbox.resource module seems to bail as soon as the first resource is found.
Note that the requirements assessment is still correct, whether to run a job or not. However, the details of the requirements are simply missing information.
Checkbox uses job requirements in order to link resources to results. For example, the following requirement should like a result to all the network devices found on the system:
device.category == 'NETWORK'
So, if there are two network devices, such as an ethernet and a wireless controller, then these should be linked to the result. However, the checkbox.resource module seems to bail as soon as the first resource is found.
Note that the requirements assessment is still correct, whether to run a job or not. However, the details of the requirements are simply missing information.