Setting up testing for this turned out to be a bit cumbersome, in the end the easiest way was to install all the packages from the c-d-t-s tarball and modify /usr/share/plainbox-providers-1/checkbox/jobs/touchpad.txt directly to experiment. i mostly changed the touchpad/horizontal job.
What I found is:
commands in user-verify (and possibly user-interact) jobs don't launch when clicking the test button. This happens whether you launch checkbox service manually, or it auto starts via dbus. I confirmed (by setting the command to "touch /tmp/control" and then checking that the file is NOT touched when clicking test) that this is regardless of the GUIness of the command itself.
If I change the plugin to "shell", then the command does run fine, even graphical ones as touch_test or zenity.
Changing the user doesn't alter the behavior (i.e. shell commands launch gui programs just fine, hooray for the trusted launcher) but user-* ones don't work :/
Setting up testing for this turned out to be a bit cumbersome, in the end the easiest way was to install all the packages from the c-d-t-s tarball and modify /usr/share/ plainbox- providers- 1/checkbox/ jobs/touchpad. txt directly to experiment. i mostly changed the touchpad/horizontal job.
What I found is:
commands in user-verify (and possibly user-interact) jobs don't launch when clicking the test button. This happens whether you launch checkbox service manually, or it auto starts via dbus. I confirmed (by setting the command to "touch /tmp/control" and then checking that the file is NOT touched when clicking test) that this is regardless of the GUIness of the command itself.
If I change the plugin to "shell", then the command does run fine, even graphical ones as touch_test or zenity.
Changing the user doesn't alter the behavior (i.e. shell commands launch gui programs just fine, hooray for the trusted launcher) but user-* ones don't work :/