after changing rabbitmq-server config to enable the plugin:
``` juju config rabbitmq-server management_plugin=true ```
After that, I see that the port (15672) is opened. In `juju status`, I can see `5672/tcp,15672/tcp`
When I try to access Web UI it says `Login failed`, and rabbitmq-server log shows:
``` =WARNING REPORT==== 15-Mar-2019::20:31:32 === HTTP access denied: user 'testui' - Not management user ```
after changing rabbitmq-server config to enable the plugin:
``` plugin= true
juju config rabbitmq-server management_
After that, I see that the port (15672) is opened. In `juju status`, I can see `5672/tcp, 15672/tcp`
When I try to access Web UI it says `Login failed`, and rabbitmq-server log shows:
``` 2019::20: 31:32 ===
HTTP access denied: user 'testui' - Not management user