2014-11-10 09:59:05.183 603 ERROR neutron.agent.linux.ovsdb_monitor [-] Error received from ovsdb monitor: 2014-11-10T09:59:05Z|00001|fatal_signal|WARN|terminating with signal 15 (Terminated)
2014-11-10 09:59:05.366 603 CRITICAL neutron [-] Trying to re-send() an already-triggered event.
[bug description: ovsdb_monitor doesn't work ]
2014-11-10 08:57:03.819 18985 CRITICAL neutron [-] Trying to re-send() an already-triggered event. agent.linux. ovsdb_monitor [req-53520eed- 601f-45af- ad6d-c036f7b259 64 None] Error received from ovsdb monitor: sudo: unable to resolve host neutron-gateway
2014-11-10 08:57:07.798 30149 ERROR neutron.
it still report below CRITICAL error after using this patch (http:// bazaar. launchpad. net/~cts- engineering/ charms/ trusty/ quantum- gateway/ quantum- gateway- ha/revision/ 94) to first fix the error 'unable to resolve host neutron-gateway' above.
2014-11-10 09:59:05.183 603 ERROR neutron. agent.linux. ovsdb_monitor [-] Error received from ovsdb monitor: 2014-11- 10T09:59: 05Z|00001| fatal_signal| WARN|terminatin g with signal 15 (Terminated)
2014-11-10 09:59:05.366 603 CRITICAL neutron [-] Trying to re-send() an already-triggered event.