Comment 3 for bug 1350023

Revision history for this message
Johnny Shieh (jshieh) wrote : Re: Charm fails on charm helper PPA


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install juju-quickstart

juju-quickstart mediawiki-single

sudo apt-get install juju-local

juju bootstrap

Sanity check:
juju deploy wordpress


Unfortunately, this bug report doesn't directly report what charm was being tested when the error occurred.
Guessing that it might be phypadmin, I go to the charm details at:

And see the following instructions:
juju deploy mysql
juju deploy phpmyadmin
juju add-relation phpmyadmin mysql

u0016001@sys-72647:~$ sudo juju deploy phpmyadmin
ERROR charm not found: cs:trusty/phpmyadmin

Hmmm, is the guess I made wrong?

Jorge, can you clarify what charm was failing when you opened this bug?

Re-ran the commands documented by Thierry and they ran fine, again.