Comment 4 for bug 1522130

Revision history for this message
David Ames (thedac) wrote :

For the record *all* of the timeout values could use reconfigurability. I wound up changing

    timeout queue 1000
    timeout connect 1000
    timeout client 30000
    timeout server 30000


    timeout queue 30000
    timeout connect 30000
    timeout client 90000
    timeout server 90000

This all in the haproxy.cfg template file
    log global
    mode tcp
    option tcplog
    option dontlognull
    retries 3
    timeout queue 1000
    timeout connect 1000
{% if haproxy_client_timeout -%}
    timeout client {{ haproxy_client_timeout }}
{% else -%}
    timeout client 30000
{% endif -%}

{% if haproxy_server_timeout -%}
    timeout server {{ haproxy_server_timeout }}
{% else -%}
    timeout server 30000
{% endif -%}