AIUI, when ChrisJ then does a set config on "scheduler_default_filters" the option is then duplicated in the nova.conf which can leads to issues with the correct setting being picked up and confusion to users.
ChrisJ is going to post the output of the duplicate setting once set-config is issued.
Talking with ChrisJ on this bug one of the issues is the config option "scheduler_ default_ filters" is set at (for icehouse)
http:// bazaar. launchpad. net/~openstack- charmers/ charms/ trusty/ nova-cloud- controller/ trunk/view/ head:/templates /icehouse/ nova.conf# L34 default_ filters = RetryFilter, AvailabilityZon eFilter, CoreFilter, RamFilter, ComputeFilter, ComputeCapabili tiesFilter, ImageProperties Filter, ServerGroupAnti AffinityFilter, ServerGroupAffi nityFilter
AIUI, when ChrisJ then does a set config on "scheduler_ default_ filters" the option is then duplicated in the nova.conf which can leads to issues with the correct setting being picked up and confusion to users.
ChrisJ is going to post the output of the duplicate setting once set-config is issued.