Comment 0 for bug 1403195

Revision history for this message
Ryan Beisner (1chb1n) wrote :

When the underlying packages of these charms are installed via charm install hooks on Precise:
 * an older version of python-six (1.1.0-2) has already been installed by another package dep
 * apt install of the __(keystone/nova-common/glance/et al)__ package doesn't install the CA version needed (currently six 1.5.2-1)
 * this causes various install hook errors across the following charms

The plan is to eventually SRU a versioned python-six dependency for the related packages on the next point release, but to also make charm install hook changes to unblock testing and deployments now.

See related SRU bug

Affected charms:
 * keystone
 * nova-compute (nova-common)
 * nova-cloud-controller
 * quantum-gateway neutron-gateway
 * glance
 * heat

For example, on precise, note that the older six is installed while the CA openstack component package is installed:
  keystone 1:2014.1.3-0ubuntu2~cloud0
  python-keystone 1:2014.1.3-0ubuntu2~cloud0
  python-keystoneclient 1:0.7.1-ubuntu1~cloud0
  python-six 1.1.0-2
  Description: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS