> simplestreams can't sync images when keystone is configured to use v3, keystone v2 is deprecated since mitaka[0] (the version shipped with xenial)
I don't think this feature addition qualifies for an SRU under our usual policies. If an exception is needed we can discuss that, but we concluded on IRC in #ubuntu-devel that the expected way to fix this is via the Cloud Archive, rather than an SRU, so I'm rejecting this from the SRU upload queue.
> simplestreams can't sync images when keystone is configured to use v3, keystone v2 is deprecated since mitaka[0] (the version shipped with xenial)
I don't think this feature addition qualifies for an SRU under our usual policies. If an exception is needed we can discuss that, but we concluded on IRC in #ubuntu-devel that the expected way to fix this is via the Cloud Archive, rather than an SRU, so I'm rejecting this from the SRU upload queue.