Earlier, quotas used to authenticate to endpoint from not required
option located in keymgr.encryption_auth_url. Now, the required
auth_uri option from config file is used to authenticate to
Co-Authored-By: Michal Dulko <email address hidden>
Change-Id: I1076527704f8def2c6755c060df49232e5ebe805
Closes-Bug: 1516085
(cherry picked from commit 109353dedbe53201eb6999984c5658d9193115df)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/254700 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ cinder/ commit/ ?id=fa7d0916d84 9e9c6f93e08f832 3eb2a886bcffc0
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/liberty
commit fa7d0916d849e9c 6f93e08f8323eb2 a886bcffc0
Author: Szymon Borkowski <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 1 14:12:03 2015 +0100
Use proper config option to connect to keystone
Earlier, quotas used to authenticate to endpoint from not required encryption_ auth_url. Now, the required
option located in keymgr.
auth_uri option from config file is used to authenticate to
Co-Authored-By: Michal Dulko <email address hidden> f2c6755c060df49 232e5ebe805 1eb6999984c5658 d9193115df)
Change-Id: I1076527704f8de
Closes-Bug: 1516085
(cherry picked from commit 109353dedbe5320