Comment 0 for bug 1480504

Revision history for this message
Ryan Beisner (1chb1n) wrote :

Cinder amulet and unit tests started failing at cinder/next rev110 (which was a charm-helper sync). Both tests were passing @ rev109.

While the charm deploys and relates successfully, it appears to have a critical functional break.

# Amulet
2015-07-31 17:38:08,423 resource_reaches_status DEBUG: Volume status wait: expected, actual status = error, available
2015-07-31 17:38:08,423 resource_reaches_status DEBUG: 090de824-3cb8-474f-8c78-fc92a2dd3216 never reached expected status: available
Cinder volume failed to reach expected state.

# Unit
Expected: [call('/dev/vdb'), call('/dev/vdc')]
Actual: [call('/dev/vdc')]

# cinder-volume.log
2015-07-31 16:51:04.006 15304 TRACE cinder.volume.manager Stderr: u' Volume group "cinder-volumes" not found\n'
2015-07-31 16:50:47.414 13853 TRACE cinder.openstack.common.threadgroup OperationalError: (OperationalError) (1054, "Unknown column 'services.disabled_reason' in 'field list'") 'SELECT services.created_at AS services_created_at, services.updated_at AS services_updated_at, services.deleted_at AS services_deleted_at, services.deleted AS services_deleted, AS services_id, AS services_host, services.`binary` AS services_binary, services.topic AS services_topic, services.report_count AS services_report_count, services.disabled AS services_disabled, services.availability_zone AS services_availability_zone, services.disabled_reason AS services_disabled_reason \nFROM services \nWHERE services.deleted = false AND = %s AND services.`binary` = %s \n LIMIT %s' ('juju-osci-sv05-machine-1', 'cinder-volume', 1)