ceilometer-agent-central has been replaced by ceilometer-polling
The ceilometer-agent-central and ceilometer-agent-compute
services are now completely removed from the liberty release
of ceilometer. The new implementation is to use
ceilometer-polling and call the respective pollsters by
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/351038 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-ceilomete r/commit/ ?id=3816946e2f7 69c37ca2ed15aa6 a49e9583ad8900
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 3816946e2f769c3 7ca2ed15aa6a49e 9583ad8900
Author: Zhang Hua <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Aug 26 10:20:58 2016 +0800
ceilometer- agent-central has been replaced by ceilometer-polling
The ceilometer- agent-central and ceilometer- agent-compute polling and call the respective pollsters by
services are now completely removed from the liberty release
of ceilometer. The new implementation is to use
Change-Id: I3af6fe9cc9c5b0 fcf0406f89f402c bd1a31f66c4
Closes-Bug: 1606787