Thank you for sharing your work on the elasticsearch charm! I'm excited to review this particular release as
a) you provided tests
b) its in ANSIBLE
c) I've written amulet tests around the existing elasticsearch charm.
In short, I'm jazzed about the work you've put in. During the review process I came up with the following notes/concerns:
There is no copyright file - this is a requirement for inclusion to the charm store. Choose a FOSS license and embed it in the file 'copyright'
When running the amulet tests, all test cases failed on the install hook with the following output:
failed: [localhost] => (item=openjdk-7-jre-headless,elasticsearch) => {"cmd": ["DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive", "DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical", "/usr/bin/apt-get", "-y", "-o", "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef", "-o", "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold", "install", "openjdk-7-jre-headless", "elasticsearch"], "failed": true, "item": "openjdk-7-jre-headless,elasticsearch", "rc": 2}
msg: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
You've made excellent progress on getting the charm under configuration management, and barring some simple modifications You are extremely close to having this revision accepted into the charm store.
I'm going to move the status of the bug to "incomplete". When you are ready for another peer review move the status to "New" or "Fix Committed" and someone will be along shortly to review your work.
Greetings Michael,
Thank you for sharing your work on the elasticsearch charm! I'm excited to review this particular release as
a) you provided tests
b) its in ANSIBLE
c) I've written amulet tests around the existing elasticsearch charm.
In short, I'm jazzed about the work you've put in. During the review process I came up with the following notes/concerns:
There is no copyright file - this is a requirement for inclusion to the charm store. Choose a FOSS license and embed it in the file 'copyright'
When running the amulet tests, all test cases failed on the install hook with the following output: 7-jre-headless, elasticsearch) => {"cmd": ["DEBIAN_ FRONTEND= noninteractive" , "DEBIAN_ PRIORITY= critical" , "/usr/bin/apt-get", "-y", "-o", "Dpkg:: Options: :=--force- confdef" , "-o", "Dpkg:: Options: :=--force- confold" , "install", "openjdk- 7-jre-headless" , "elasticsearch"], "failed": true, "item": "openjdk- 7-jre-headless, elasticsearch" , "rc": 2}
failed: [localhost] => (item=openjdk-
msg: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
You've made excellent progress on getting the charm under configuration management, and barring some simple modifications You are extremely close to having this revision accepted into the charm store.
I'm going to move the status of the bug to "incomplete". When you are ready for another peer review move the status to "New" or "Fix Committed" and someone will be along shortly to review your work.