- We have add that 'repo' key to layer.yaml and resolved that warning.
- We have resolved all the lint errors.
- [The README suggests we should have a resource named "ibm_im_installer" but I cannot see it in the metadata.yaml. Could it be that the README needs to be updated?]
ibm_im_installer is a part of ibm-im layer. so, once you done with 'charm build' you can find ibm_im_installer in the metadata.yaml of ibm-http(deployable charm).
- As ibm-http charm is subordinate, in amulet i have changed the code for deploying one principle charm(ibm-was-base) and adding relation part for ibm-was-base and ibm-http. So, that ibm-http charm gets deployed. But, We are unable to test the amulet code as we have a known issue https://github.com/juju/amulet/issues/141 which needs to be resolved.
Thank you for reviewing the charm.
- We have add that 'repo' key to layer.yaml and resolved that warning.
- We have resolved all the lint errors.
- [The README suggests we should have a resource named "ibm_im_installer" but I cannot see it in the metadata.yaml. Could it be that the README needs to be updated?]
ibm_im_installer is a part of ibm-im layer. so, once you done with 'charm build' you can find ibm_im_installer in the metadata.yaml of ibm-http(deployable charm).
- As ibm-http charm is subordinate, in amulet i have changed the code for deploying one principle charm(ibm-was-base) and adding relation part for ibm-was-base and ibm-http. So, that ibm-http charm gets deployed. But, We are unable to test the amulet code as we have a known issue https:/ /github. com/juju/ amulet/ issues/ 141 which needs to be resolved.