Comment 5 for bug 1551133

Revision history for this message
Redis Labs (redislabs-team) wrote :

Hi Cory,

Thanks for your feedback and sorry for the delayed response, we have a lot on our plate currently.

1. I added a checksum verification to the install hook, using the ArchiveUrlFetchHandler.install method. It seems that the high level install_remote method has some issues running on trusty.

2. I added a leader-elected hook. It sets the elected leader's master_node_ip in the leader_set context, which is moved from the install hook.
As bootstrapping the node in a 'create_cluster' mode (which is done in the install hook) should be done only once on the first unit installation, i think it makes sense to do it in the install hook and not in the leader-elected hook (which will be called again whenever a new leader is elected).

3. A new node is registered to the cluster in the node-relation-joined hook- It bootstraps the new node in a 'join_cluster' node. the bootstrapping (of both 'create_cluster' and 'join_cluster' modes) is triggered by writing a specific json file to a specific directory.
The node-relation-changed hook is indeed setting the private address of each unit in the leader_set context, which is then being used in the node-relation-departed hook context:
- The leader will POST a nodes/<id>/remove request to the cluster, which should consist of the RLEC node id that should be departed.
- The departed RLEC node id is retrieved by its private address, from the leader_get context.

4. I removed the templates dir, and the config-changed hook.
Currently, RLEC allows changing the password only (and not the username or the cluster's name) and it can be done via the UI only. We are planning to expose an api for that in the future, and once we do we'll be able to support it via the config-changed hook.

5. The rlec charm provides a cluster and not a redis resource endpoint, therefore it is not providing any relations.
This was indeed a point I wasn't sure about, and discussed it with the charms team. Our understanding was that the correct charm configuration is using peers. Please let me know if you have any ideas regarding.

Please let me know if you have any comments or further questions.

P.S.: please see my previous comment- there are currently 2 rlec charms exposed, and only the one by 'redislabs' should be available. Could you please look into it?
