Deploying xenial-ocata on arm64 - during instance creation nova reports the following error:
fault | {"message": "Build of instance 3460a1bc-72ac-4d43-a232-d150161c2447 aborted: Image b81b08c8-2487-4fea-b39a-d9b07b75b2f0 is unacceptable: Unable to convert image to raw: Image /var/lib/nova/instances/_base/43dbc7beed2459ae424c6b889caf7854f26321e5.part is unacceptable: ", "code": 500, "details": " File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/\", line 1785, in _do_build_and_run_instance |
| | filter_properties) |
| | File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/\", line 2007, in _build_and_run_instance |
Further investigation of nova-compute logs reveals:
Unable to convert image to raw: Unexpected error while running command.
Command: qemu-img convert -t none -O raw -f qcow2 /var/lib/nova/instances/_base/f8488b6e96eb7e752a6d2aa046a8de693c06a5fd.part /var/lib/nova/instances/_base/f8488b6e96eb7e752a6d2aa046a8de693c06a5fd.converted
Exit code: 1
Stdout: u''
Stderr: u"qemu-img: file system may not support O_DIRECT\nqemu-img: Could not open '/var/lib/nova/instances/_base/f8488b6e96eb7e752a6d2aa046a8de693c06a5fd.converted': Could not open '/var/lib/nova/instances/_base/f8488b6e96eb7e752a6d2aa046a8de693c06a5fd.converted': Invalid argument\n"
Deploying xenial-ocata on arm64 - during instance creation nova reports the following error:
fault | {"message": "Build of instance 3460a1bc- 72ac-4d43- a232-d150161c24 47 aborted: Image b81b08c8- 2487-4fea- b39a-d9b07b75b2 f0 is unacceptable: Unable to convert image to raw: Image /var/lib/ nova/instances/ _base/43dbc7bee d2459ae424c6b88 9caf7854f26321e 5.part is unacceptable: ", "code": 500, "details": " File \"/usr/ lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ nova/compute/ manager. py\", line 1785, in _do_build_ and_run_ instance | lib/python2. 7/dist- packages/ nova/compute/ manager. py\", line 2007, in _build_ and_run_ instance |
| | filter_properties) |
| | File \"/usr/
Further investigation of nova-compute logs reveals:
Unable to convert image to raw: Unexpected error while running command. nova/instances/ _base/f8488b6e9 6eb7e752a6d2aa0 46a8de693c06a5f d.part /var/lib/ nova/instances/ _base/f8488b6e9 6eb7e752a6d2aa0 46a8de693c06a5f d.converted nova/instances/ _base/f8488b6e9 6eb7e752a6d2aa0 46a8de693c06a5f d.converted' : Could not open '/var/lib/ nova/instances/ _base/f8488b6e9 6eb7e752a6d2aa0 46a8de693c06a5f d.converted' : Invalid argument\n"
Command: qemu-img convert -t none -O raw -f qcow2 /var/lib/
Exit code: 1
Stdout: u''
Stderr: u"qemu-img: file system may not support O_DIRECT\nqemu-img: Could not open '/var/lib/
Full log:
https:/ /pastebin. canonical. com/195965/