I'm finding that it seems this is happening after the replicator comes across numerous objects for a given partition on the host that look like this in syslog:
Sep 9 19:52:13 host object-server: Unexpected file /srv/node/bcache16/objects/189491/001/b90cccb2719e1275dc2b78bf35205001/.1576225247.80782.data.6bEZcT: Invalid Timestamp value in filename '.1576225247.80782.data.6bEZcT'
I'm finding that it seems this is happening after the replicator comes across numerous objects for a given partition on the host that look like this in syslog:
Sep 9 19:52:13 host object-server: Unexpected file /srv/node/ bcache16/ objects/ 189491/ 001/b90cccb2719 e1275dc2b78bf35 205001/ .1576225247. 80782.data. 6bEZcT: Invalid Timestamp value in filename '.1576225247. 80782.data. 6bEZcT'