@stub I tried the workaround, but it is basically giving me the same results.
I created the offer: 'juju offer nova-compute:secrets-storage'
I then related the offer into the vault model ...
'juju add-relation foundations-maas:admin/openstack.nova-compute vault:secrets'
I see nova-compute executing and then goes back to waiting with an incomplete relation.
Then inside of the nova-compute unit logs it says the same message of there being no units available.
Then, doing the same methods as thedac earlier, running ...
'juju run --unit nove-compuate/0 -- 'relation-get -r secrets-storage:254 - remote-<some-uuid>/0'
I see that only the /0 unit has the roles/secrets, and the /1 and /2 units have just the IP addresses.
So, same idea. Gathering logs now and will upload them shortly.
@stub I tried the workaround, but it is basically giving me the same results.
I created the offer: 'juju offer nova-compute: secrets- storage'
I then related the offer into the vault model ...
'juju add-relation foundations- maas:admin/ openstack. nova-compute vault:secrets'
I see nova-compute executing and then goes back to waiting with an incomplete relation.
Then inside of the nova-compute unit logs it says the same message of there being no units available.
Then, doing the same methods as thedac earlier, running ...
'juju run --unit nove-compuate/0 -- 'relation-get -r secrets-storage:254 - remote- <some-uuid> /0'
I see that only the /0 unit has the roles/secrets, and the /1 and /2 units have just the IP addresses.
So, same idea. Gathering logs now and will upload them shortly.