Looking at the charm: https://jujucharms.com/percona-cluster/
It does have a symlink of "leader-elected => percona_hooks.py"
but the Python code itself is hitting this line:
try: hooks.execute(sys.argv)
except UnregisteredHookError as e: log('Unknown hook {} - skipping.'.format(e))
So its more a case that you're not actually responding when leader-elected really is fired.
Looking at the charm: https:/ /jujucharms. com/percona- cluster/
hooks. execute( sys.argv) kError as e:
log('Unknown hook {} - skipping. '.format( e))
It does have a symlink of "leader-elected => percona_hooks.py"
but the Python code itself is hitting this line:
except UnregisteredHoo
So its more a case that you're not actually responding when leader-elected really is fired.