There is explicit cleanup logic in the charm ([1] and [2]) but it seems like the stop hook may not be having a chance to complete that. Options there are to move the cleanup earlier, to the relation hooks, and to provide an action to do an explicit manual cleanup, like the AWS integrator charm has. If it's a hook race condition during model destroy, then it may still require a manual intervention in the teardown to ensure that the cleanup is run before the destroy-model command is run, but it should be escalated up to the Juju team if that's the case.
Alternatively, if the cleanup is failing, we need to figure out why. As discussed on IRC, you're going to try running the specific cleanup command that the charm uses (openstack loadbalancer delete --cascade $lb_name) to see if that same "immutable" error occurs.
There is explicit cleanup logic in the charm ([1] and [2]) but it seems like the stop hook may not be having a chance to complete that. Options there are to move the cleanup earlier, to the relation hooks, and to provide an action to do an explicit manual cleanup, like the AWS integrator charm has. If it's a hook race condition during model destroy, then it may still require a manual intervention in the teardown to ensure that the cleanup is run before the destroy-model command is run, but it should be escalated up to the Juju team if that's the case.
Alternatively, if the cleanup is failing, we need to figure out why. As discussed on IRC, you're going to try running the specific cleanup command that the charm uses (openstack loadbalancer delete --cascade $lb_name) to see if that same "immutable" error occurs.
[1]: https:/ /github. com/juju- solutions/ charm-openstack -integrator/ blob/master/ reactive/ openstack. py#L125- L128
[2]: https:/ /github. com/juju- solutions/ charm-openstack -integrator/ blob/master/ lib/charms/ layer/openstack .py#L140- L154