Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: "Zuul (22348)" Branch: master
commit c0f87087615e4744e67c2f6dbda3a6b0ed18d3c5 Author: Mert Kırpıcı <email address hidden> Date: Wed Jul 20 13:55:38 2022 +0000
Introduce source IP based rate limiting
Since we are running haproxy in L4, we are tracking the incoming byte rate from client IPs and rejecting TCP connections in a sliding window.
This approach limits the incoming HTTP requests however image uploading through the horizon web app is unaffected.
Change-Id: Ie40d28acb2dc2983fc9edbbeacfd671b380a8f6d Closes-Bug: #1836514 Signed-off-by: Mert Kırpıcı <email address hidden>
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /charm- openstack- dashboard/ +/850644 /opendev. org/openstack/ charm-openstack -dashboard/ commit/ c0f87087615e474 4e67c2f6dbda3a6 b0ed18d3c5
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: master
commit c0f87087615e474 4e67c2f6dbda3a6 b0ed18d3c5
Author: Mert Kırpıcı <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jul 20 13:55:38 2022 +0000
Introduce source IP based rate limiting
Since we are running haproxy in L4, we are tracking the incoming
byte rate from client IPs and rejecting TCP connections in a
sliding window.
This approach limits the incoming HTTP requests however image uploading
through the horizon web app is unaffected.
Change-Id: Ie40d28acb2dc29 83fc9edbbeacfd6 71b380a8f6d
Closes-Bug: #1836514
Signed-off-by: Mert Kırpıcı <email address hidden>