Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: stable/20.08
commit 741f43238cf3f0be569571af49de78d87288746f Author: Nobuto Murata <email address hidden> Date: Mon Aug 3 15:29:07 2020 +0900
Set up health_manager processes based on worker-multiplier
Properly limit the number of processes with worker-multiplier instead of spawning as many workers as available CPU threads.
Change-Id: I7f42e131d7de4a58a926b634950969e6f406bb10 Closes-Bug: #1889731 (cherry picked from commit 4ed5caf77e675bbfc98cc5f1e45bcfa250bfab16)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/758038 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ charm-octavia/ commit/ ?id=741f43238cf 3f0be569571af49 de78d87288746f
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/20.08
commit 741f43238cf3f0b e569571af49de78 d87288746f
Author: Nobuto Murata <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Aug 3 15:29:07 2020 +0900
Set up health_manager processes based on worker-multiplier
Properly limit the number of processes with worker-multiplier instead of
spawning as many workers as available CPU threads.
Change-Id: I7f42e131d7de4a 58a926b63495096 9e6f406bb10 fc98cc5f1e45bcf a250bfab16)
Closes-Bug: #1889731
(cherry picked from commit 4ed5caf77e675bb